Edgerton Public School District Addition and Remodel

Edgerton Public School District Addition and Remodel
Edgerton Public School District Addition and Remodel
Edgerton Public School District Addition and Remodel
Edgerton Public School District Addition and Remodel
Edgerton Public School District Addition and Remodel
Edgerton Public School District Addition and Remodel
Edgerton Public School District Addition and Remodel
Edgerton Public School District Addition and Remodel

Edgerton, MN

A series of improvements and upgrades in the Edgerton Public School District.

Electrical Engineering
Interior Design
Master Planning
Mechanical Engineering
Pre-referendum Services
Structural Engineering


TSP helped the Edgerton Public School District with a pre-referendum facility assessment to explore potential upgrades. Among the issues: a gym built in 1936 is too small to serve physical education, extracurricular, and youth/community programming. The gym is not ADA accessible, and its floor is deteriorating. Additionally, the district’s preschool, located in the 1936 building, needs a new location to better serve its students.

Our planning efforts contributed to a successful referendum election in April 2024, where district voters authorized the school district to issue general obligation school building bonds for a series of improvements.

TSP’s multidisciplinary design of these upgrades involve several key additions and renovations. A new, single-story gymnasium building will feature space for a new gym, weight & fitness room, band room, locker rooms, office area, lobby, and restrooms.

A pre-school building will be added to include two classrooms – one room for three-year-olds and another room for four-year-olds – along with an elementary music room, sensory room, restrooms, and a basement storage area. The project also includes a new, detached vehicle storage garage that will feature space for seven vehicle bays. Two bays in the center will be heated.

Facility improvements to portions of the existing 77,400 sf elementary/middle/high school will repurpose the existing music room into new offices, a break/conference room, and restrooms.

Construction is scheduled to begin around May 1, 2025. R.A. Morton is the construction manager for the project.

Project Accountability Team

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