Edgerton Public School District Addition and Remodel
Edgerton, MN
A series of improvements and upgrades in the Edgerton Public School District.
Electrical Engineering
Interior Design
Master Planning
Mechanical Engineering
Pre-referendum Services
Structural Engineering
TSP helped the Edgerton Public School District with a pre-referendum facility assessment to explore potential upgrades. Among the issues: a gym built in 1936 is too small to serve physical education, extracurricular, and youth/community programming. The gym is not ADA accessible, and its floor is deteriorating. Additionally, the district’s preschool, located in the 1936 building, needs a new location to better serve its students.
Our planning efforts contributed to a successful referendum election in April 2024, where district voters authorized the school district to issue general obligation school building bonds for a series of improvements.
TSP’s multidisciplinary design of these upgrades involve several key additions and renovations. A new, single-story gymnasium building will feature space for a new gym, weight & fitness room, band room, locker rooms, office area, lobby, and restrooms.
A pre-school building will be added to include two classrooms – one room for three-year-olds and another room for four-year-olds – along with an elementary music room, sensory room, restrooms, and a basement storage area. The project also includes a new, detached vehicle storage garage that will feature space for seven vehicle bays. Two bays in the center will be heated.
Facility improvements to portions of the existing 77,400 sf elementary/middle/high school will repurpose the existing music room into new offices, a break/conference room, and restrooms.
Construction is scheduled to begin around May 1, 2025. R.A. Morton is the construction manager for the project.