Midlands Business Journal | July 11, 2014

Increasing complexity, new building codes stress importance
of architect selection

Gary Dubas, managing principal and senior architect specializing in health care projects in TSP’s Omaha office was recently quoted in the July 11th edition of the Midlands Business Journal commenting on the importance of considering a firm’s experience working with specialized facilities like health care.

“Health care facilities are an entirely different animal,” said Dubas, “You have to get in front of physicians and understand their needs.”

And that is just one of many stakeholder groups. Additionally, consideration should be given to a firm’s experience working with staff from different departments accessing flow and function, patients, families, and community groups.

“You have to walk the walk with them and truly provide something that meets their needs functionally and something that is efficient in their daily operations,” Dubas points out, “The project isn’t truly successful unless it captures the needs in a built environment.”

Dubas encourages owners to call previous administrators to get a sense as to the architect’s “bedside manner.” “Calling previous locations, you can drill down and understand who has that passion to work with you to get something that truly reflects your needs,” he said.

The full article was printed in the July 11, 2014 edition of the Midland Business Journal, pages (34-37).