The newest member of TSP’s electrical team is excited to learn and bring his problem-solving perspective to help clients and team members.

Justin Ketel, an electrical designer in the Rapid City office, has been focused on listening and observing during his first weeks on the job.

A Rapid City Stevens High School graduate, Justin stayed at home to attend South Dakota Mines, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering.

His experience building computers, and the electrical components of that work, motivated Justin to pursue an electrical engineering degree.

He played the tenor saxophone in the concert band at South Dakota Mines and was a member of the Unmanned Aerial System team, which promotes innovation through aerial robotics.

Overall, Justin cares about being a positive influence in the lives of others.

Growing up in the Black Hills, Justin worked at a couple of high-profile attractions: Mount Rushmore and Bear Country USA.

His first job, at age 14, was at Bear Country, where he was a bear mascot. Yes, it was hot inside the bear suit, but the costume was equipped with a fan inside.

Justin later worked his way up (literally) at Bear Country, working in a tower above the bear exhibit.

“They have a big tower there, and I would sit up in a chair and get on an intercom and caution people for having their windows down, or hanging out of their vehicle, or getting out of their car,” he said.

Justin also spent several years as a grounds crew member at Bear Country in a role that sometimes required fast action to care for the animals.

“There was some unpredictability, but we kept hundreds of animals happy and healthy while working to maintain the park’s everyday functions,” he said.

Having already proven his quick-thinking skills, Justin is looking forward to learning as much as he can at TSP, bringing a fresh perspective, and making a beneficial impact in the community.

When he’s not working, Justin makes time for new experiences with his friends. Those activities range from movies, finding new trails in the Black Hills, and the occasional road trip.