TSP Talk2024-03-05T10:56:53-06:00

TSP Talk

Company Highlights

TSP designs Summit League headquarters to celebrate student athletes

October 16, 2019|News|

For 12 months, The Summit League staff worked in temporary quarters, hosting student athletes, coaches, athletic directors, and presidents from nine institutions in an area that could be described as a storage unit with offices. That changed in September, when the NCAA Division I athletic conference moved into its new headquarters on the Sanford Sports Complex. It occupies the second floor of a Sanford Health building that houses its new Acute Care/Fast Track Orthopedic Clinic.

Northern State begins new era with regional science center

August 23, 2019|Community, Education, News, South Dakota|

A new era at NSU officially begins Monday, when NSU’s new Jewett Regional Science Education Center opens for classes. The $25.2 million structure is the first new classroom/teaching building constructed on campus in more than 40 years. The TSP, Inc. + SmithGroup team designed the building with the Henry Carlson Co. and its sister company Kyburz-Carlson serving as contractor.


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