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So far Marketing Team has created 321 blog entries.

TSP architects connect with mentor students from SDSU

2021-04-05T16:49:37-05:00April 5, 2021|News|

A recent conversation between TSP Inc. architect Chase Kramer and South Dakota State University architecture student Jocelyn Rothmeier veered off track to discussing her wedding plans. Then Kramer’s daughters joined the video chat and provided renewed distraction. Sounds like it had little to do with the mentorship program Rothmeier and Autumn Schlomer devised as co-presidents of SDSU’s American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) chapter, right?

https://squareup.itemorder.com/shop/home/Historic building’s new roof receives industry award

2024-02-16T15:29:51-06:00April 2, 2021|Blog|

The new roof on the Goss Opera House will last for years, provide needed insulation, and now is an award-winner. The Goss Opera House Roof Renovation at 100 E. Kemp in Watertown took first in the Structural Insulated Panel Association’s Renovations category. The roof, designed by TSP, Inc., was completed in May 2020.

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