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TSP evolves for the future

2020-03-02T10:54:12-06:00February 28, 2020|Black Hills, Iowa, Minnesota, News, South Dakota|

Established firms sometimes forget why they were born and where they came from. So while his firm is gearing up to celebrate its 90th anniversary, CEO Jared Nesje is using lessons from its past to plot the future. “I think we’ve renewed ourselves,” Nesje said of the full-service integrated architecture, engineering, and planning group. “Our company is old, but our culture is new because of the people we have today. The youngest architect in our office believes we do it different here. We’re designing with you, not for you. We care about our communities, and that comes through in our work for clients and how we care for one another. We say it’s a family, and we mean it.”

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