Chase Kramer

Architecture, Leadership
Director of Design
Sioux Falls, SD
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When he’s not designing beautiful buildings, architect Chase Kramer is usually doing something else creative, whether making music or advocating for the visual arts in his community. Chase, who describes his role at TSP as “a master integrator, owner advocate, and legacy designer,” sings Bass II in the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Chorus and in the Cathedral of St. Joseph’s renaissance polyphony choir Schola Cantorum. He also serves as a board member for both the Washington Pavilion’s Visual Arts Center and the Sioux Falls Arts Council. Chase takes his artistically tuned eyes and ears into every project he works on to provide the best design he can for the client. He enjoys being able to combine both passions for art and music in his work, as he did for the renovation at Augustana University’s Hamre Recital Hall. That space represented major milestones and influences in his life (specifically piano recitals as a youth and as a student at Augustana). It is one of his favorite projects, and he feels honored to have been entrusted with the renovation.